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Price My Property
How we determine your property's value?
- Real estate agents determine property values by using a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) Report. We look at the sold, pending and active market to determine the best listing price for your home based upon its condition, features and location.
What's include in the report?
- Sold Homes Chart
- Pending Homes Chart
- Active Homes Chart
- Recommended Listing Price
- Market Stats
- Closing Cost Estimate
What is the cost?
- There is no fee for us to provide you with a CMA Report.
Will you determine my property value even if I don't plan on hiring your business?
- Yes, we believe we have to earn your business by providing quality service to you as opposed to believing we are entitled to anything.
How do I get my free CMA Report?
- Call or text 509.412.2058 or click the "Price My Home" button below and we'll schedule an appointment.